“H. Cegielski – Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych” is one of the oldest rolling stock companies in Poland.
For more than a century, we have been shaping the company, often during historical events that changed Poznań and the entire country. Throughout its history “H. Cegielski – Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych” has been an employer for many generations of residents of Poznań and the Wielkopolska region.
The first railway coaches with the “Cegielski” logo were produced in 1921. In 1926, the company started the production of steam locomotives.
Since 1946, Fabryka Wagonów (renamed in 1967 to Fabryka Lokomotyw i Wagonów) has produced approximately 13, 500 coaches (including passenger coaches of 1st and 2nd class, sleeping coaches, restaurant coaches, freight coaches), and 800 locomotives (diesel and electrical line and shunting locomotives).
As a result of organizational changes in 1997, Fabryka Lokomotyw i Wagonów was transformed into “H. Cegielski – Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych Sp. z o.o.”, which continues the rolling stock production and services.
On 26 March 2010, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. took over 100% of shares in “H. Cegielski – Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych Sp. Z o.o.”.